
...#26 - Ratifying the Constitution的全文翻译? 补充:


答:6.If we only had some God in the country's laws ,instead of being in such a sweat to get him into the Constitution ,it would be better all around.如果我们只将国家的管理付诸心中的神灵,而不费神费力地将之诉诸宪法,那一切就都好了。7.Keep your eyes wide open before marriage ...

watch this中文翻译
答:Take it up , chariie ! watch this constitution 把球吊起来,查理!让你瞧瞧这个。Jeff : watch this . one pack of cigarettes . . . gone 杰夫:看这一包烟… …去吧!' cause i watched this movie called par par . . 因为我看过《大话王》这部电影 Take it up , ...

答:1、2.1 Any organisation, with no less than 50 members and a history of no less than one year, can become a member of X, on the condition that it agrees to comply with this constitution. An organisation which does not satisfy the conditions set above, or a individuals , if...

until 翻译中文
答:until 翻译中文如下:直到。until造句 1、It was not until 1920 that the US Constitution was changed to give all women voting rights.直到1920年,美国宪法才得以修改,赋予所有女性投票权。2、Then at the waist for key pressing and kneading, until the waist warm pain relief is appropriate...

答:我们的宪法没有照搬邻国的法律。我们反而是别国效仿的对象。我们的行政体系照顾大多数人而不是少数人的利益,所以被称作“民 主”。

答:常委会和尊重,其中三分之一的缔约方举行的社会,可以显着影响所进行其members.the的目的,一个代码是列出有关的行为标准所预期的社会,以维持一个高的声誉和尊重的个人资料。一般 部门1 A成员国必须不采取行动在任何时间在一地,这可能带来的社会蒙羞。议员须进行自己在一个mannaer不损害或破坏的声誉,...

答:4. The constitution enshrines the basic rights of all citizens.宪法中神圣地记载著全体公民的基本权利.5. Food, clothing and shelter are all basic necessities of life.衣、 食、 住所是生活的基本必需品.6. Just follow these few basic precepts and you won't go far wrong in life.只...

答:美国和构造每个的宪法国家是公众的学校系统操作的的法律的来源。美国宪法的第一件修正案禁止国会做或者尊重建立宗教禁止宗教的自由的练习的法律。 建立条款一般地被解释意味着能建立没有一个一种状态也不是联邦的政府一个教堂。 这分开哲学的墙壁自从Education,330的Everson v.董事会以来已被使用U.S.1 ...


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{习妮侄18252487921} 翻译两个法律词组~ ______ constitution-challenging 挑战宪法的 constitution-affirming 宪法确认的

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{习妮侄18252487921} “结构”怎么翻译? - ______ 结构 frame; structure; composition; configuration; construction; fabric; mechanism 【计】 frame work 【医】 constitution; formatio; formation; installation; structure; tcxture ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 文章的结构呀,句子的结构呀,故事的结构呀之类的 请用"structure"

{习妮侄18252487921} “唯有道德的自由才使人类真正成为自己的主人;只有嗜欲的冲动便是奴隶状态,英语翻译 - ______ 唯有道德的自由才使人类真正成为自己的主人;只有嗜欲的冲动便是奴隶状态 ==Moral liberty alone makes him truly master of himself; for the mere impulse of appetite is slavery ==出自卢梭《社会契约论》第一章第八节最后一句话 ==整...

{习妮侄18252487921} 外国人写外国法律的中文以及外文翻译? ______ 美国宪法 Constitution of the United States 中文地址: 英文地址:

{习妮侄18252487921} What is the constitutional monarchy? - ______ A constitutional monarchy is a form of constitutional government, where either an elected or hereditary monarch is the head of state, unlike in an absolute monarchy, where in the king or the queen is the sole source of political power, as he or she is ...

{习妮侄18252487921} 那位同学帮我翻译成英语? ______ In order to enrich the students of the campus life, enhance the students of the constitution, the school will be from November 15 to 16, following a day.